Childbirth & Lactation Education
Full Course Catalog

Own Your Birth

Cost: $180 virtual, $270 in-person/Birther and Support Person(s)

Timing: Second Half of Pregnancy/3rd Trimester

Duration: 3  3-Hour Sessions

Gain the knowledge and tools you need to take ownership of your birth experience.  Course will cover basic labor process and anatomy, decision making, healthy birth practices, comfort measures, golden hour and so much more.

Intentional Lactation

Cost: $60 virtual, $90 in-person/Nurser and Support Person(s)

Timing: 3rd Trimester

Duration: 1  3-Hour Session

Nursing your baby doesn't have to be a matter of "I guess we'll see if it works out".  You can enter in with the knowledge and support system you need to meet your goals.  Intentional Lactation is a great introduction to the basic mechanics of breastfeeding.  Learn how to get off to a good start, latch & position baby, be certain that baby is getting enough, what to do when things get tough, and more. Partners are strongly encouraged to attend.  

Intentional Expression

Cost: $60 virtual, $90 in-person/Nurser and Support Person(s)

Timing: 3rd Trimester or prior to return to work/school etc.

Duration: 1  3-Hour Session

Returning to work or other types of frequent/exclusive milk expression does not have to be the end of your nursing/human milk feeding relationship.  This class is a deep dive into human milk expression, storage, away-from-the-breast-feeding, and navigating legal rights. Ideal for working nursers, exclusive/frequent pumpers by choice or situation, partners, and caregivers. Partners and caregivers are strongly encouraged to attend.  

Lactation for Birthworkers

Cost: $80 virtual, $120 in-person/Nurser and Support Person(s)

Duration: 1  4-Hour Session or 2  2-Hour sessions

This is a great way to learn more about the mechanics of lactation and how birthworkers can support their clients in meeting their feeding goals, as well as a way meet the lactation education requirement for many doula and childbirth education certifying entities.