Birth Doula
Birth Doula Services $850
1-2 prenatal meetings, as time and preference allows (Including birth preference sheet consultation, if necessary)
Unlimited phone and email contact from hiring until 4 weeks postpartum, all correspondences responded to within 24 hours
During labor, immediate phone/email correspondence until it is decided that the doula’s presence is required
Continuous in-person labor support through delivery and 1-2 hours postpartum
First latch help, if you are choosing to breastfeed
A backup will be provided in the (very) unlikely event that the doula cannot attend
1 postpartum visit to “debrief” your birth experience and help you access any services that you require
Virtual Doula Services $450
Unlimited phone and email contact from hiring until 4 weeks postpartum, all correspondences responded to within 24 hours
During labor, immediate phone/email correspondence 24/7
Scheduled skype/ phone meetings once monthly
If you are within the service area and decide in labor that you’d like in-person support, you may pay the difference and your doula will attend your labor and birth
A la carte services also available for $25/hour
Birth Preference Sheet Consultation $100
One in-person or virtual meeting to discuss birth preferences
PDF file of finished birth preferences
Up to 3 edits to ensure that it is correct and meets client’s specifications
Intended for clients not pursuing in-person or virtual doula services